About Us
Off Axis Studios is a leading asset publisher that makes stylized art packs and level design tools for game developers.
Our model packs are easy to use and great for beginners and are fun to use for prototyping and game jams (in fact, we’ve been used in many jams!).
With over 40 packs covering multiple themes like Fantasy, Sci-Fi, City, UI and many more – you’re bound to find something to help get you started!
Our Australian team was founded in 2015 and has been providing some of the best selling low poly asset packs on the Unity Asset Store ever since. With an average 5 star rating, our products speak for our passion.
We’re always working on cool new content and adding value to existing products as well. Our small team is always looking to grow and overcome new technical challenges and concepts.
The Polyworks series of low poly stylised 3D assets has been used in many game jams by indies and ended up in many published products on Steam and Nintendo Switch as well!
Our products have been used in projects for Microsoft, WaterAid, NYU, and CDC to name a few!